as vital as mental activity in keeping the brain fit and healthy, according to an Australian research. A study conducted by scientists at the University of Queensland's Brain Institute found the mechanism by which exercise increases the number of stem cells that are actively generating new nerve cells in the brain and reverses the decline normally observed as animals age. "We have found that growth hormone (GH) originally discovered as a potent stimulator of animal growth is increased in the brain of running animals and this stimulates the activation of new neural stem cells," says Brain Institute scientist Daniel Blackmore. The study was carried out in older mice, which shows the same cognitive decline as humans, according to a Brain Institute statement. "In this model of ageing we found that the number of active neural stem cells dramatically declines with age but exercise dramatically reversed this, increasing stem cell numbers," said Perry Bartlett, professor and director of Brain Institute and team leader. "If we blocked the action of GH in the brains of these running animals, however, no such increase occurred, indicating GH was the primary regulator of this process," Bartlett said. "We are currently determining whether this grow GH ?dependent increase in stem cell activity is able to reverse the cognitive decline seen in old animals by increasing production of new nerve cells," the professor said. Source: News Track India, Young girls can dance their way to
![]() better mental health: Dancing helps young girls overcome low spirits, stress, fatigues and headaches, besides boosting their mental health and self esteem, according to a new study. This is shown in a study run by Anna Duberg, a physical therapist at Orebro University Hospital and a doctoral candidate at Orebro University in Sweden. Dance also brings enhanced self-esteem and a greater capacity to deal with everyday problems, the researchers said. The dance study included 112 Swedish girls 13 to 19 years of age. On multiple occasions, these girls had gone to see the school nurse for symptoms such as anxiety and depression, fatigue, headaches, and back, neck, and shoulder pain. In the study, 59 of the girls were randomized to a group that regularly danced together two days a week and 53 girls to a control group where the girls did not change their living habits. The study results indicated that the girls in the dance group, despite all the challenges entailed by being a teenage girl, increased their self-esteem compared with the control group. The positive effect persisted at follow-ups four and eight months after the dance training ended. Fully 91 percent of the girls in the dance group felt that the dance study had been a positive experience. In the long run this may also lead to a more healthful lifestyle. (ANI), Source: Article, One-week spa treatment can help boost your health: Treating yourself a
week at a spa could improve your health, say researchers. A new study has revealed that not only are spa treatments relaxing and nourishing, but they are safe and a week-long spa stay can correspond with changes in our physical and emotional well-being. Researchers from the Thomas Jefferson University Hospital evaluated 15 participants before and after their visit to We Care Spa, a health and wellness spa in Desert Hot Springs California, and found the program safe and helped to improve the participants' health. The week-long program included diet modification, meditation and colonic hydrotherapy, voluntarily participation in low-risk hatha and Vishnu flow-yoga programs, and a juice-fast cleansing very low calorie diet of approximately 800 calories per day. Stress management was provided through daily structured meditation and yoga programs as well as time for personal meditation encouraging deep breathing, heightened awareness and a calming effect. In preparation, participants were asked to modify their diet three to four days prior to arrival by replacing a normal diet with fruit, sprouts, raw and steamed vegetables, salads, vegetables, herbal teas, prune juice in the morning, laxative teas or herbal laxatives nightly and avoiding pasta, meat, cheese, caffeine, alcohol and processed foods. The participants, 13 women and two men between the ages of 21 and 85, with no history of significant medical, neurological or psychological conditions each underwent a physical evaluation including weight, height, Body Mass Index (BMI), blood pressure and an EKG test. They also received a complete blood count (CBC), liver function tests, tests measuring cholesterol and triglycerides, thyroid hormone testing, and the concentration of metals such as mercury and lead. In addition, psychological and spiritual measures before and after their arrival were measured. An evaluation of the results showed that undergoing a spa program resulted in a weight decline of an average of 6.8 lbs., a 7.7 percent decrease in diastolic blood pressure as well as a decrease in mercury, sodium and chloride levels and a 5.2 percent decline in cholesterol level and mean BMI. Cholesterol level decline seemed to be curiously associated with a decline in HDL's, the good-for-you high density lipoproteins, which is of some concern, though they remained within the range regarded as beneficial. Hemoglobin increased 5.9 percent. No statistically significant changes in liver or thyroid function and no EKG changes were noted. No serious adverse effects were reported by any individual, but the study noted changes in the participants' sodium and chloride concentrations, suggesting that those interested in going to a spa program should check with their physician to make sure they do not have any medical problems or medications that could put them at risk for electrolyte disturbances. Improvements in anger, tension, vigor, fatigue and confusion were also noted as was a statistically significant improvement in anxiety and depression levels measured by the Speilberger Anxiety Scale and the Beck Depression Index. Participants also reported significant changes in their feelings about spirituality and religiosity. While beneficial, it is not possible to differentiate the effects of each of the individual elements of the program to determine which components were responsible for the changes observed. "This will require an evaluation of one or more elements-such as yoga, very low calorie diet or colonics-in isolation to determine which elements have the most significant effects," said Andrew Newberg, MD, director of research at the Jefferson-Myrna Brind Center of Integrative Medicine and lead author on the study. In the future Newberg and colleagues look to study the effects of a spa stay on specific disease population, i.e. diabetics. The authors also encourage spa participants to consult their physician before attending this or similar programs and research the center vigorously for safety and efficaciousness. Their complete findings will be available in the December issue of Integrative Medicine, A Clinician's Journal. Source: Article, Using Fitness As An Incentive For Housework By Carsten Linnhoff, Berlin (dpa) – While washing
windows, mopping floors and doing other household chores are hardly popular, housewives and house-husbands can help to motivate themselves by seeing housework as a fitness workout. “The worst thing is inactivity,” said Ingo Froboese, a professor at the Health Center of the German Sport University in Cologne. “Our billions of body cells don’t care what kind of exercise we do. The main thing is getting exercise and that goes for doing housework too. It helps to stimulate metabolism and to stay healthy.” Rainer Stamminger, a professor of home economics at Bonn University, takes a similar view. “Not regarding housework as a burden, but using it as a personal fitness program provides motivation for unloved chores,” he said. “When the weather’s fine, hang the laundry out to dry on the balcony or in the yard. For one thing, it’ll smell better afterwards and you’ll get some sun as well.” Modern household appliances such as washing machines, dryers and food processors have greatly reduced the amount of physical activity needed in the home. As Stamminger noted, “Housework today has nothing in common with housework 50 or 100 years ago. It’s far less strenuous. Washing laundry by hand, for example, used to be hard work.” So in order to get exercise while doing household chores, a few small tricks may be necessary. For instance, Froboese recommends having the laundry basket in another room during ironing, and fetching each piece of laundry separately. “Getting in an extra 3,000 steps a day is the equivalent of walking two kilometers,” Froboese said. He said his research showed that “suboptimally challenging exercise has the best effect on the body.” In other words, you don’t have to break a sweat doing the housework to stay in shape. Andreas Mueller, a sports scientist with the German Fitness Instructors’ Association, disagrees. Light physical activity during housework does not promote fitness, he said. Instead, a person would have to climb up and down a ladder while washing windows, for example, which is similar to a workout on a step machine.In general, he said, a chore has to be strenuous enough to cause muscle aches to have any health benefits, such as kneading by hand, washing laundry by hand or chopping wood. Gathering dirty laundry, ironing, and sorting and putting away clean laundry also takes a lot of energy, Stamminger said. Froboese, Stamminger and Mueller all agree that housework is much more palatable when combined with fitness or entertainment. “Someone who views housework as a fitness program is happier than someone who regards it solely as a burden,” Stamminger said. “Washing windows and ironing are very unpopular. Cooking meals and garden work are much better liked. A lot of people in our studies find ironing less onerous if they can watch television at the same time.” Stamminger does not advocate a lot of diversion while doing chores, however. Rather, he thinks they should be performed expeditiously. “I’d wash all the windows in one go because you’ve got to prepare the wiper, wash-leather and cleaning bucket,” he said, adding that it was a good idea to do a chore from start to finish and not interrupt window washing to cook or wash laundry, for example. “This is also sensible from an environmental standpoint. Someone who washes only a few windows needs more water and produces more wastewater.” Hard work burns a lot of calories. The Consumer Initiative, a Germany-wide consumer protection organization, has listed the number of kilocalories that a person weighing 70 kilograms will burn by doing various household chores for 15 minutes: tidying up, 30; ironing, 35; cooking, 40; hanging laundry, 50; mopping the floor, 60; making the beds, 62; vacuum cleaning, 70; washing windows, 83; working in the garden, 88; climbing stairs, 121. Source: Article, Image. How Did Bruce Lee Get Those Washboard Abs?: By Michael Paladin: Bruce Lee was a legendary
martial artist and movie star, who was also known for his washboard abs. Jake Seal describes the training routine that Bruce Lee followed to develop his incredible muscular definition.of all the body parts Bruce Lee developed, his abdominal muscles were the most spectacular: rock solid to the touch, deeply cut and highly defined. Bruce believed the abdominals were one of the most important muscle groups for a martial artist since virtually every movement requires some degree of abdominal work. Perhaps more importantly, the "abs" are like a shell, protecting your ribs and vital organs. Lee was more than merely a fitness fanatic; he was an extremist, always in search of new ways to push his body to the limit, constantly tuning it while striving to achieve maximum efficiency. He felt many martial artists of his day lacked the necessary physical fitness to back up their skill. In his book Tao of Jeet Kune Do, he wrote "Training is one of the most neglected phases of athletics. Too much time is given to the development of skill and too little to the development of the individual for participation." Black Belt magazine owner Mito Uyehara recalls that "Bruce always felt that if your stomach was not developed, then you had no business doing any hard sparring." Lee's wife, Linda Lee Cadwell, claims her former husband "was a fanatic about ab training. He was always doing sit-ups, crunches, Roman chair movements, leg raises and V-ups." According to some of Lee's early training notes, his daily abdominal workout included: Read more, Sourcde: Health & Fitness Solutions, Top reasons why people should walk: Indian people are gearing
up for the festive seasons with zeal and enthusiasm. The festive season, however, bring in lots of issues and concerns particularly, when one steps out from home. Primary among them are traffic congestion, pollution, rising fuel prices, which in-turn increase stress and create health problems. Experts are of the opinion that walking is simplest way and most economical method to reduce the problems and enjoy the festive season to the fullest: Here are the reasons: Contribute to Environment: Stance: When you walk you are also contributing to the planet’s health. Simple measures like walking the smaller distances instead of taking your car can also do wonders for the environment. Just imagine a place like Delhi with over million vehicles plying on the road very day. What could be the impact if we take a pledge to walk smaller distance wherever possible and not use vehicles? Proof points: * If we all swap one car journey a week to walking, traffic levels would reduce by at least 10 per cent * One person switching five journeys of under 2 km a week from car travel to walking would reduce their carbon footprint by 86 kg of CO2 a year. The average car produces three tonnes of CO2 a year. Reduce stress and be Healthy: Stance: Walking is a magic pill, a panacea for reducing the risk so many lifestyle diseases. And the best part is that this pill is free!! It needs just a bit of your time. Proof points: * What if you were to find a magic pill that can reduce your risk of getting cancer by 20%, heart disease by 30% and diabetes by as much as 50%? * In the rat race of life, we tend to take important things like health for granted. We hate the deadlines and the pressures but cannot avoid it. We are on the move constantly and the stress finally gets to us in the form of the various chronic lifestyle diseases we are now struggling with. * Most Indians also work very long hours in high pressure jobs, generally up to 6 days a week, leaving no time for regular leisure time physical activity. Time consuming long distance commutes to work make it even more difficult to squeeze in a gym workout into their schedules. This makes walking a significant source of the minimum exercise needed by human bodies * Urbanisation has cost us dearly too. In India, cities initially built for walking and cycling have become overrun by cars, at the expense of walkers. The greater use of cars has resulted in a decrease of walking and corresponded with rising obesity levels around the world. * According to data available till December 2011, nearly 110 million people are believed to be suffering from serious illnesses like diabetes, heart diseases and cancer in India collectively. This figure is estimated to double in 15-20 years. * According to Dr Rajeev Virmani, Head of relationship, Max Bupa, 50% of those with symptoms of diabetes are not even aware that they have a serious health problem. In the case of people with coronary (heart) problems, it is even more startling that a majority of them are either not aware of it or simply continue to live in denial of the severity of their conditions. So what can we do to make our lives better? - In a study of women age 50 to 75, those who took one-hour morning walks were more likely to relieve insomnia than women who didn’t walk – Just 15 minutes more a day of brisk walking can have significant health benefits, even adding up to three years to our life expectancy. – A new study recently published online in the 'Current Archives of Internal Medicine' combined with a meta-analysis of several previous studies, has shown that moderate exercise can reduce the occurrence of serious illnesses by as much as 38 - 40%. According to the World Health Organization, a 150 minutes of exercise every week is highly recommended. To achieve this, it doesn’t necessarily mean a gruelling session at the gym or running a marathon – a simple change, like walking in either slow or brisk pace (individually or in group) will do. Walk for your loved one’s: Stance: Did you know that research data show 79 % of Indians feel that their attitude towards health stems from early influence of parental behavior. So it is on you to inculcate good healthy lifestyles in your children, so why not instill in them the benefits of walk by setting examples. Moreover while walking a distance with your loved ones bring you closer to the them, since you are able to interact more while you walk. This small investment of time can make your relationship much more smoother, Proof points: * A person's attitude towards healthy living stems from childhood days. It is influenced by parental behaviour. According to Bupa’s Survey, it has been found that 67% Indian respondents confirmed that they have been actively encouraged by their parents to exercise – in fact 30% agreed that their parents exercised regularly! * Walking is a good way to spend time with friends or family members and enjoy nature. Parking Woes: With at least 1,200 new vehicles being added to the city’s vehicular population every day, parking has become a huge headache. Encouraging people to walk while they go for a shopping can reduce this problem drastically. Keeping yourself healthy: Stance: Usually people eat more than they usually do during festivals especially, during Diwali. There are sweets of different kinds to a heavy menu of non-vegetarian food. Wherever you go, sweets are served. Not everyone makes sweets at home and people might offer what has been bought in stores. There is no guarantee what kind of oil, ghee or milk have been used, and whether the hygiene standards have been followed in mass production. While you might be tempted to taste some of these mouth-watering dishes, you might be able to reduce the impact on your health by walking the distance. Proof Points: * Diabetic clinics are flooded with people who have awry blood sugar levels on the morning after a festival. A doctor at MAX Healthcare, said, “Healthy sweet options, sugar-free, are now available... If you must eat, eat sugar-free sweets,” he adds. It is not wise for diabetics to miss medication. * A healthy trend that he has noticed this year is that boxes of nuts and dry fruits are increasingly taking the place of sweet boxes. * “Though high in calories, most nuts (almonds, walnuts, even groundnuts) are high in mono-unsaturated fatty acids that do not increase bad cholesterol,” he said. He also suggests that fruit baskets be given as gifts during the festive season. Source: Indian Express, Yoga 'may help improve balance in stroke survivors':
Group yoga can improve balance in stroke survivors who no longer receive rehabilitative care, to new study has claimed. In a small pilot study, researchers tested the potential benefits of yoga among chronic stroke survivors those whose stroke occurred more than six months earlier. “For people with chronic stroke, something like yoga in a group environment is cost effective and appears to improve motor function and balance,” Arlene Schmid, lead researcher of the study from Indiana University, said. The study’s 47 participants, about three-quarters of them male veterans, were divided into three groups – twice-weekly group yoga for eight weeks, a “yoga-plus” group, which met twice weekly and had a relaxation recording to use at least three times a week, and a usual medical care group that did no rehabilitation. The yoga classes, taught by a registered yoga therapist, included modified yoga postures, relaxation, and meditation. Classes grew more challenging each week. Compared with patients in the usual-care group, those who completed yoga or yoga-plus, significantly improved their balance. According to the researchers, balance problems frequently last long after a person suffers a stroke, and are related to greater disability and a higher risk of falls. Furthermore, survivors in the yoga groups had improved scores for independence and quality of life and were less afraid of falling. “For chronic stroke patients, even if they remain disabled, natural recovery and acute rehabilitation therapy typically ends after six months, or maybe a year,” Schmid said. Improvements after the six-month window can take longer to occur, she said, “but we know for a fact that the brain still can change. The problem is the healthcare system is not necessarily willing to pay for that change. The study demonstrated that with some assistance, even chronic stroke patients with significant paralysis on one side can manage to do modified yoga poses.” The oldest patient in the study was in his 90s. All participants had to be able to stand on their own at the study’s outset. The researchers said that yoga may be more therapeutic than traditional exercise because the combination of postures, breathing and meditation may produce different effects than simple exercise. “However, stroke patients looking for such help might have a hard time finding qualified yoga therapists to work with,” Schmid said. “Some occupational and physical therapists are integrating yoga into their practice, even though there’s scant evidence at this point to support its effectiveness,” he added. The study has been published in the journal Stroke. Source: Article, Daily-Protein, Shilpa Shetty sheds more than 10kgs to regain her perfect figure for comeback: Shilpa Shetty,
the owner of IPL cricket team Rajastan Royals last sizzled in an item number Shut Up and Bounce in Dostana in 2008, is once again eying a comeback. She recently gave birth to a baby. She paid visit to Sunay Dutt's reality show, Super Fight League (SFL) Challengers. Sanjay happens to be friend of her husband Raj Kundra. She has just shot for a special promo video, only 50 days after giving birth to her son Viaan. Shilpa put on 19kgs weight sometime back but she shed more than 10kgs to regain her perfect figure. Interacting with the media she tells "The things you have to do for your husband," tells Shilpa with a laugh. "Ideally, I would have taken more time off, but when I saw shots of the new reality show, I loved it. When Raj asked me to be part of the promo, I said, ‘no way, are you mad?’ but I remember we shot it really fast. Since it’s our home production, I had to take time out." Raj Kundra, her husband tells speaking about SFL Challengers, India’s first action reality show based on mixed martial arts, which kicks off on August 5 says "We will have eight male and eight female fighters living in a boot-camp. At the end of the week, one fighter, who loses in the weekly fight, will be eliminated from the show. Sanju and I have spent a bomb on this project. All the fighters will be trained under expert supervision." Sanjay Dutt has also shot a promo for the show. "On the elimination day, we will also have a Bollywood celebrity on the show. The winners will straightaway get an entry into the SFL in September," further adds Kundra. Source: Article, How to get Madonna's outrageously fit body: August 16. How does the Hard Candy gym owning-pop star-film director keep her famous physique svelte through the ages? Sheer dedication and willingness to mix up the routine - from Zumba to running to barre workouts. If you're inspired to get gams like Madge, fitness blog FitSugar offered up a few of the
star's health and fitness secrets: All things Anderson - Both Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow can thank celebrity trainer Tracy Anderson's dance workout technique for their respective six packs. "Madge broke up with Tracy after a few years, but you can still try out Madonna's Tracy Anderson-approved workout," writes Fit Sugar. Coocoo for coconut water - Just like fellow pop icon Lady Gaga, Madonna invested in Vita Coco after drinking fresh coconut water which contains replenishing electrolytes - during her Sticky & Sweet tour. Urban cycling - In London, FitSugar claims that Madonna is cycling around town and even biking to the gym as a cardio warmup. Le barre - Apparently, the past few years, Madonna has been in love with workouts devised by her latest trainer, Sadie Lincoln, founder of barre3, which is a ballet-inspired workout that also combines elements of yoga and Pilates. Macrobiotic devotee - The pop star reportedly eats a primarily macrobiotic diet, as designed by her personal chef Mayumi Nishimura. Her latest cookbook, Mayumi's Kitchen: Macrobiotic Cooking for Body and Soul, includes 130 Madonna-approved recipes. Source: Hindustan Times. ‘30 minutes’ workout thrice a week can keep heart healthy’: Pune: Noted cardiologist Dr David Cumberland said the intensity of heart ailment in woman is always higher than in men. Speaking at the Cardio Vascular Society of India - Asia intervention summit hosted by Ruby Hall Clinic on Friday he said, “Women are naturally well protected till their menopause stage but after that they are more prone to heart ailments. Hence, they should take the
necessary precautions. Thirty minutes of regular exercise for at least three days a week can help you stay away from heart troubles.” Cumberland who hails from England practices at Prince Court Medical Centre in Malaysia and is among those cardiologists who performed some of the first few angioplasties in India in 1986 at Ruby Hall Clinic. “The percentage of heart diseases worldwide has increased remarkably, but at the
same time, medical facilities have also seen massive developments in all these years. Earlier, there used to be 7-8 angioplasties per day at Ruby Hall, whereas now, as many as 40-45 angioplasties are done in a day,” Cumberland said. More than 50 per cent adult population in the world has a high risk factor with respect to heart diseases owing to excessive weight issues. Also, alcohol is another factor that aggravates heart diseases. It is harmless if consumed in moderate quantities but excessive consumption is always fatal. Dr Shirish(MS) Hiremath said it was alarming that the average age of suffering heart diseases in European countries is around 60 while in India it is 40-45 years. The emerging middle class, who have a higher spending capacity, is vulnerable to heart ailments as they lead a sedentiary lifestyle. Dr Purvez Grant, chief cardiologist, managing trustee, Ruby Hall Clinic, Dr Cezar S Staniloae, director of Peripheral Vascular Service, St Vincent’s Hospital Manhattan, New York, Dr Reyan Anis, interventional cardiologist from Bangladesh and other noted cardiologists were also present at the inaugural session of the summit. Source: Indian Express, Daily-Protein, Lose Weight The Natural Way: A Chaotic: An unhealthy lifestyle can![]()
have a poor impact on our health which may lead to increase in body weight or obesity, heart diseases & strokes,diabetes, hypertension & aweaker immune system. Of these, weight gain is becoming a matter of concern among the people. In the era of commercialization, we find various weight loss pills, anti-cellulite products and expensive fitness gadgets popping up on the internet and television screens, but these can only cause frustration and may prove detrimental to our health. Natural herbal remedies are safe and promising in reducing weight. Let's try some of such formulations for controlling weight in a healthy manner: (1) Mix in a glass of lukewarm water, a tsp of honey with ½ tsp lemon juice. Drink it every morning and evening to lose weight. (2) Pound a ginger rhizome & boil the same in water. Add to it, ½ tsp lemon juice and 1/4th tsp black pepper powder. Have it when hot. (3) Squeeze a lemon in a glass of bitter gourd juice and have it every morning. (4) Having a tomato or two in morning is said to be beneficial in reducing weight. (5) Boil about 10 gm of triphala (a combination of equal amount of Amla, Harra & Beheda powder in a glass of water for 10 minutes. Consume it warm in the morning. (6) Consuming 2 cups of Green tea is also believed to shed excess fat. (7) To keep a check on weight, soak a few leaves ofIndian plum/ Jamun overnight. Discard the leaves & drink water in the morning on an empty stomach. (8) Take ½ tsp of guggal powder, a tsp of ginger rhizome powder and mix in honey to make it into a paste. Administer it once a day to lose weight. A balanced diet and any form of exercise plays a vital role in reducing as well as maintaining a normal weight. One should eat a diet good in green vegetables and fresh fruits. Some of thefat burning spices such as black pepper, long pepper, mustard, ginger, cinnamon and cayenne should be added to the meals or used in preparations. Fish like tuna & salmon are high inLectin, a protein, which helps improve metabolism and aids fat loss. Reduce the intake of salt & carbohydrate rich, high calorie foods (eg. rice, potatoes). Having vegetable soup or eatingpapaya at dinner time is helpful in reducing weight. Eating acabbage salad also helps reduce weight as tartaric acid, an ingredient in the vegetable is known to inhibit conversion of dietary sugar to fat Along with diet, regular exercise is quite beneficial. Brisk walk, skipping a rope, jogging, aerobics, yoga and pranayam(yogic breathing exercises) are among few exercises that can be of help to attain a healthy weight. Also, one should eat slowly as it satisfies hunger with less food, thereby reducing calorie intake.Drink plenty of water (3-4 litres/ day) as it has no calories and reduces hunger. Losing weight isn’t a mysterious process… it’s a matter of burning more calories than we eat. Source: HerbHealtH, Spain: “Oranges purify the blood”: “Drinking orange
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fizzy drinks or fruit juice, have a lower risk of developing diabetes. Replacing sweet drinks with water could help stave off the metabolic disorder, according to researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health. But adding water to the sugary beverages a person consumes throughout the day won't make a difference, they said. The results are based on the drinking habits of 83,000 women followed for more than a decade. Lead researcher Dr Frank Hu said it is well established that sugary beverages are bad for diabetes risk. People have recommended drinking plain water instead of sugar-sweetened beverages, he said, 'and the question is whether this kind of substitution has any impact on diabetes'. Dr Hu and his team collected data from the massive Nurses Health Study, which tracked the health and lifestyle of tens of thousands of women across the U.S. The study included 82,902 women who answered questions about their diet and health over a 12-year span. Over time, about 2,700 of them developed diabetes. The amount of water women drank did not seem to influence their diabetes risk - those who drank more than six cups a day had the same risk as women who drank less than one cup a day. However, sugar-sweetened drinks and fruit juice were tied to a higher risk of diabetes - about 10 per cent higher for each cup consumed each day. The research team estimated that if women replaced one cup of fizzy drink or fruit juice with one cup of plain water, their diabetes risk would fall by 7 or 8 per cent. Source: Sam Daily Times, 5 Natural Ways to Prevent and Reverse Hair Loss: By Michael Paladin: Many people are searching for ways to
prevent and reverse hair loss. This is quite understandable since the prospect of losing all the hair on your head can be both depressing and embarrassing. Natural remedies to prevent and reverse hair loss make use of natural ingredients or methods and seldom have any negative effects, even in long-term use. Here are five natural ways to help you prevent and reverse hair loss: 1) Scalp massage: Inadequate blood flow in the scalp area is among the chief causes of hair loss. Massaging the scalp can stimulate blood flow and distribute nutrients that are essential for hair growth. My post Reverse Hair Loss with Massage explains how to do it. This practice can be done once a day every morning or before going to bed. 2) Inversion: Inversion involves inverting the body to allow blood to flow to the head. You can stand on your head for up to five minutes, or simple let your upper body hang from the edge of your bed. The continuous blood flow to the head will help you prevent and reverse hair loss. 3) Diet: The food you consume affects your health and appearance. Avoid the empty calories and toxins of processed foods, and eat as much fresh meat, fish, vegetables, and fruits as you can. The nutrients in these foods will contribute to the health and appearance of your hair and scalp. 4) Avoid toxic substances: Just as important as putting good things into your body is not putting bad things into it. Aside from processed foods, drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking are two main sources of toxins. If you frequently consume alcoholic drinks and smoke cigarettes, chances are, your body is already filled with harmful toxins that can greatly affect your health and cause you to lose hair. Prevent and reverse hair loss by avoiding these toxins and others, such as household chemicals. 5) Manage stress: Stress can affect a person's well-being in a number of ways, including hair loss. Chronic tension can result to the contraction of the muscles in your scalp, which will then prevent continuous blood flow. Manage stress by learning some relaxation techniques or engaging in activities that take your mind off your worries. If you're serious about preventing and reversing hair loss, you should try all five of these ways. The only ones that take any time are scalp massage and inversion, and even they take only 5-10 minutes daily. The more you do to keep your hair and scalp healthy, the less hair you will lose and the more you will grow back. Did you know that most hair loss is NOT genetic? The reason most of you reading this are losing hair is because your hair follicles are trapped and blocked off from vital blood supplies that are needed to nourish their development. Source: Article,Now, super tomatoes that can combat cancer:
London: British researchers claim to have developed new "super tomatoes" fortified with minerals which can improve your immune system and help prevent cancer. The new varieties, which have hit shelves across the UK, have been enriched with selenium, a powerful anti-oxidant which the researchers believe could not only boost the immune system but also help prevent cancer. The mineral, found naturally in foods such as Brazil nuts, shellfish and liver, is also important for the thyroid gland, which determines how quickly the body uses energy and also produces proteins, the Daily Mail reported. Food scientists for Marks & Spencer, the company which has developed the new variety, turned their attention to the mineral because it is lacking in UK diets. Low concentrations in farm soil means little of the mineral finds its way into home-grown foods. There is evidence that a deficiency may lead to heart disease and, while it does not tend to directly cause illnesses, it can make the body more likely to catch infections. Dr Carina Norris, of the Nutrition Society, said the tomatoes were a great way to get the nutrient into our diets. "Selenium plays an important role in supporting the immune system, and it's thought that getting adequate selenium reduces our risk of cancer," she said. "But many people in the UK don't get enough from their diets -- the latest data suggests the average person consumes well below the target of 60mg for women and 75 for men. "So to get a 'difficult' nutrient like selenium into a food that more or less everyone eats -- such as tomatoes -- has to be a good thing." The new tomato follows Marks & Spencer's Vitamin D milk, yoghurts and juice it has developed to help tackle health problems. Source: Indian Express, Grapes can stave off age-related blindness: Eating grapes seem to
![]() slow or help prevent the onset of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a condition affecting millions of elderly people worldwide. AMD is a progressive eye condition, leading to the deterioration of the centre of the retina, called the macula, a leading cause of blindness in the elderly. A new study suggests that antioxidant actions of grapes stave off these harmful effects, the journal Free Radical Biology and Medicine reports. “The protective effect of the grapes in this study was remarkable, offering a benefit for vision at old age even if grapes were consumed only at young age,” said principalinvestigator Silvia Finnemann of biological sciences, Fordham University, New York. Grapes protected the retina and prevented blindness among mice. While lutein added to the diet was also effective, grapes offererd significantly more protection, according to a Fordham statement. Finnemann noted that results suggest that age-related vision loss is a result of cumulative, oxidative damage over time. Aging of the retina is tied with increased levels of oxidative damage, and oxidative stress is thought to play a pivotal role in the development of AMD. Source: Article, Green tea flavonoid helps prevent hepatitis C virus from entering liver: Washington, (ANI): A flavonoid found in green tea
inhibits the hepatitis C virus (HVC) from entering the liver, a new study has found. According to German researchers, epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) may offer an antiviral strategy to prevent HCV reinfection following liver transplantation. HCV infection can lead to chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) or primary liver cancer. HCV is one of the most common causes of chronic liver disease and a primary indication for liver transplantation, affecting up to 170 million individuals worldwide according to estimates from the World Health Organization (WHO). While standard treatment with interferon with ribavirin and newer protease
inhibitors may clear infection in some individuals, a substantial number of patients still may not respond to these therapies. For individuals receiving liver transplants due to complications from HCV, reinfection of the healthy donor liver remains a significant concern. Antiviral strategies that target HCV in its early stages are urgently needed to prevent graft reinfection and improve long-term outcomes for patients. To address this critical issue, Sandra Ciesek and Eike Steinmann from the Hannover Medical School in Germany investigated the effect of the EGCG molecule in preventing HCV from attaching to liver cells. "Green tea catechins such as EGCG and its derivatives epigallocatechin (EGC), epicatechingallate (ECG), and epicatechin (EC) have been
shown to exhibit antiviral and anti-oncogenic properties," Ciesek said. "Our study further explores the potential effect these flavonoids have in preventing HCV reinfection following liver transplantation," she said. Results showed that unlike its derivatives, EGCG inhibits entry of HCV into liver cells. The authors suggest that EGCG may impede HCV cell entry by acting on the host cell as the green tea catechin was not found to alter the density of virus particles. Pretreatment of cells with EGCG before HCV inoculation did not reduce the infection, however, application during inoculation inhibited the rapid spread of the HCV. Lastly, researchers showed that EGCG inhibits viral attachment-the initial step in the HCV infection process. "The green tea antioxidant EGCG inhibits HCV cell entry by blocking viral attachment and may offer a new approach to prevent HCV infection, particularly reinfection following liver transplantation." Ciesek added, The study has been published in Hepatology. (ANI), Source: News Track India, Source: Article, Fighting the flu or cold:
Fighting WITH flu or cold Antibiotics do not work in case of cold or flu Medications are important in relieving thesymptoms of flu or cold, but do not forget hygiene measures. If cold is very advisable to go to bed, but it is advisable to cover her too. At night it is important to humidify the room if you have the heater on, as dry air sucks the moisture from the air and dry nose and throat, whose role is to protect against external agents. In the morning you should ventilate the house to purify the air we breathe is gone overnight. The person who has a cold should cover their nose and mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing and wash hands after sneezing and spread via the air - hands is very easy and fast. Should be used tissues, disposable. When a person has a cold should drink plenty of water is a good expectorant, and also consume lots of citrus, like oranges and kiwis, which are rich in vitamin C has antiviral and immunostimulatory properties. Onions and garlic are two foods that have mucolytic properties, expectorant, antiviral and antibiotic. The onion can be cut and put on the bedside table so that the oils appears to help thin the mucus. Both flu and colds are caused by viruses used the same hygienic measures for both. In the case of the flu is very important to rest, as it causes joint pain and fever. There is no need to use antibiotics in either case. Nasal washes are convenient because on one hand clean their nostrils and the other, are wetting the mucosa with what works best. The flu is a good resource to try to alleviate cold symptoms and improve quality of life for the duration of the process. Better if the vaccine is combined, some containing an analgesic and antipyretic such as paracetamol and an antihistamine that helps fight many of the cold symptoms, such as headache, fever, nasal congestion, sneezing, etc. Can occur in children as young as 6 years of age 6 to age 11 would take one tablet every 8 hours in children over 12 years, the dose would be the same as in adults. In children it is preferable to taking pills as they have less analgesic dose, are also recommended in people with diabetes by the carrier, as recommended by experts. Source: Article. Ayurveda Music Therapy: Music is a universal language. It influences ![]()
has an important place. The 'Samveda' is full of music. The doshas like Vata, Pitta and Kapha can be controlled effectively by Music Therapy. Great composers of Indian classical music have attempted music therapy down the years. Legend has it that classical music maestro Thyagaraja brought a dead person back to life with his composition. It is believed that music stimulates the pituitary gland, whose secretions affect the nervous system and the flow of blood. It is believed that for healing with music, it is necessary to vibrate the cells of the body, for it is through these vibrations that the diseased person's consciousness can be changed effectively to promote health. The right kind of music helps one relax and refresh. Even during the course of working, light music improves efficiency. Listening to music helps control negative
aspects of our personalities like worry, bias and anger. In addition, it can help cure headache, abdominal pain and tension. Music therapy is one of the most effective ways of controlling emotions, blood pressure and restoring the functioning of the liver. The Raga Research Centre in Chennai,India. is currently making a comprehensive study of Indian ragas and evaluating their therapeutic potential with the help of musicians, doctors and psychiatrists. It is believed that classical Indian ragas can benefit a whole host of conditions ranging from insomnia, high and low blood pressure to schizophrenia and epilepsy. It is believed that there are other ragas that can help fight
ageing and pain, too. Music is capable of improving happiness, peace, health and concentration. It is however important to know the method and duration for which Music Therapy is to be administered. This knowledge can be obtained through regular experiments and experience. The first step towards this is the correct diagnosis of the disease and then the selection of the precise raga that will be helpful. Procedure, discipline and a systematic method will help achieve this goal. Sunlight may help lower blood pressure: Exposing skin to sunlight may help lower blood pressure and cut the risk of heart attack and stroke, a new study has found. Research carried out at the Universities of Southampton and Edinburgh found that sunlight alters levels of the small messenger molecule, nitric oxide (NO) in the skin and blood, reducing![]() blood pressure. “NO along with its breakdown products, known to be abundant in skin, is involved in the regulation of blood pressure,” said Martin Feelisch, Professor of Experimental Medicine and Integrative Biology at the University of Southampton. “When exposed to sunlight, small amounts of NO are transferred from the skin to the circulation, lowering blood vessel tone; as blood pressure drops, so does the risk of heart attack and stroke,” Feelisch said. While limiting sunlight exposure is important to prevent skin cancer, the authors of the study, including Dr Richard Weller of the University of Edinburgh, suggest that minimising exposure may be disadvantageous by increasing the risk of prevalent conditions related to cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease, often associated with high blood pressure, accounts for 30 per cent of deaths globally each year. Blood pressure and cardiovascular disease are known to vary according to season and latitude, with higher levels observed in winter and in countries further from the equator, where ultraviolet radiation from the Sun is lower. During the study, the skin of 24 healthy individuals was exposed to ultraviolet (UVA) light from tanning lamps for two sessions of 20 minutes each. In one session, the volunteers were exposed to both the UVA rays and the heat of the lamps. In another, the UV rays were blocked so that only the heat of the lamps affected the skin. to help us personalise your reading experience. The results suggested that UVA exposure dilates blood vessels, significantly lowers blood pressure, and alters NO metabolite levels in the circulation, without changing vitamin D levels. Further experiments indicated that pre-formed stores of NO in the upper skin layers are involved in mediating these effects. The data are consistent with the seasonal variation of blood pressure and cardiovascular risk at temperate latitudes, researchers said. The study was published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology. Source: Article, Extroverts lead happier lives: study: The study was conducted by Dr Catharine Gale from the Medical Research Council Young adults, who are more outgoing or more emotionally stable, are happier in later life than their ![]()
introverted or less emotionally stable peers, according to a new study. UK researchers examined the effects of neuroticism and extraversion at ages 16 and 26 years on mental wellbeing and life satisfaction at the age of 60 to 64. They found that personality dispositions by the time of early adulthood have an enduring influence on well-being decades later. The study was conducted by Dr Catharine Gale from the Medical Research Council's Lifecourse Epidemiology Unit, University of Southampton and a team from the University of Edinburgh and University College London. "Few studies have examined the long-term influence of personality traits in youth on happiness and life satisfaction later in life," Gale said. "We found that extroversion in youth had direct, positive effects on well being and life satisfaction in later life. Neuroticism, in contrast, had a negative impact, largely because it tends to make people more susceptible to feelings of anxiety and depression and to physical health problems," Gale added. The study examined data on 4,583 people who are members of the National Survey for Health and Development, conducted by the Medical Research Council. All were born in 1946; they completed a short personality inventory at age 16, and again at age 26. Extroversion was assessed by questions about their sociability, energy, and activity orientation. Neuroticism was assessed by questions about their emotional stability, mood, and distractibility. Decades later, when the participants were 60 to 64-years-old, 2,529 of them answered a series of questions measuring well-being and their level of satisfaction with life. They also reported on their mental and physical health. The study found that greater extroversion, as assessed in young adulthood, was directly associated with higher scores for well-being and for satisfaction with life. Neuroticism, in contrast, predicted poorer levels of well being, but it did so indirectly. People higher in neuroticism as young adults were more susceptible to psychological distress later in life and to a lesser extent, poorer physical health. "Understanding what determines how happy people feel in later life is of particular interest because there is good evidence that happier people tend to live longer," Gale said. "In this study we found that levels of neuroticism and extraversion measured over 40 years earlier were strongly predictive of well-being and life satisfaction in older men and women. Personality in youth appears to have an enduring influence on happiness decades later," Gale said. Source: Article, Laugh your way to good health: By Ch Saibaba: Every morning
![]() this laughing club risks amused glances and jibes when they look up at the sky, take a deep breath of clear, fresh air, and erupt into wild spontaneous laughter. Members of ABC Laughing Club practising hasya yoga The meetings of ABC Laughing Club are perhaps the most serious health activities happening in the city. The group meets at Picket Cantonment Garden at Secunderabad everyday between 6.45 am and This is a group of more than 50 people so dedicated to preserving their sense of humour, and thereby their sanity, that they happily give up an hour of their sleep to practice hasya yoga, a workout for your funny bone.By simulating laughter and mirth, one can actually fool those endorphins into doing some overtime, says Madan Kataria, the founder of this unique form of exercise. “Feel-good chemicals are released in the brain when you laugh, but if you waited around for something funny to happen, you could go a whole day without cracking a smile. Now, isn't that a waste of a day?” he asks. Joining the group of merry people and taking a place in the laughing circle seems like a positive step towards health and happiness. Each session, with different kinds of laugh, lasts almost an hour, and consists of warm-up and breathing exercises as well. Then one undergoes the entire spectrum of delight: from grunts to giggles, from guffaws to crackles, from smirks to grins. The club consists mostly of people in the age group of 50 and above, and they say that they have derived real benefits from their morning ha-ha. Blood pressure has stabilised, stress-levels have been reduced and the heart is kept happy with this fantastic form of what they say amounts to "internal jogging". Sreenivasa Rao, an active member of the ABC Laughing Club says, “We have been doing this laughing exercise since1998. Since then, our membership has gone up to 70 and our aim is “Always be cheerful” and we are enjoying and experiencing the same. Image Link Blogspot, Source: The Hans India, Love is good for health: By Cena, Although it sounds funny or weird, studies ![]()
and experiments have demonstrated a closerelationship between health and love. It has been shown that the bonds offriendship, love and affection, enhance health and happiness. Some of the benefits of love on health are: improving attention, motivation and memory. There is a significant reduction in anxiety, stress and depression. Strengthens the immune system, dispels wrinkles and low levels of hypertension. Here are some findings that relate to health and love: (1) Strengthens the immune system. Biochemical reactions experienced by the body of a person when being in love help improve health and help to "strengthen the immune system," according to experts. With love our quality of life is better and tend to get sick less, and that negative feelings are outweighed by the positive and our body works better. (2) Influences on the rapid recovery. We have seen that sick people who have someone to love them and watch for them, have a faster recovery than patients who have no affection from anyone. (3) Improves quality of life. We are more likely to get sick and depressed when we have problems and we are alone. However, the love we prolong life. Being loved makes problems feel lighter with the support of others. (4) Energy and stress. According to experts, the emotional well it feels like to be able to give love and helping others makes people feel more energy and fighting stress. (5) A feeling of great comfort. From the endocrinological point of view, love brings change for the better. As Jesus says Dr. Rocca, Ricardo Palma Clinic, "the first thing you are beta releases endorphins that trigger when you're in love, and are responsible for the feeling of great comfort. (6) Love rejuvenates. "The hormones, the nervous system and skin, forming a narrow triangle, so the separation of estrogen in women improves hair, nails, skin," says Sandro Tucto dermatologist. (7) Fewer doctor visits. Another study found that couples who have spent more time together, make fewer doctor visits. The psychiatrist Enrique Galli said that "stable relationships get colds less than singles, while elderly couples suffer less pain than the lonely elderly. This is due to segregation of hormones that allow for greater resistance to pain. " (8) Making love, health benefits. Keeping sexually active and safe, influences our physical and emotional state is very important to our overall health. It is scientifically proven that people who frequently make love, get sick less and are happier. The list of health benefits that are attributed to sex as therapeutic activity include: well-being, improves self-esteem, makes you look younger, is a natural pain reliever, improves interpersonal relationships, reduces snoring, strengthens immune system, increases energy, relieves symptoms of depression, anxiety and psychosomatic disorders. So now you know, since love helps heal, self-medication is recommended a good dose of love every day to live healthy and happy. Source: Forum Human Health, 'Marriage is the new miracle cure for cancer': Scientists have discovered a new cancer treatment that outranks all others - marriage. Married patients with advanced lung
![]() cancer are likely to survive longer after treatment than patients who are single, according to a study by the University of Maryland Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Cancer Center in Baltimore. Similar benefits have been seen in other cancers, including those of the prostate, and head and neck. The researchers studied 168 patients with Stage III non-small cell lung cancer, the most common type of lung cancer, who were treated with chemotherapy and radiation over a 10-year-period. They found that 33 per cent of married patients were still alive after three years compared to 10 per cent of the single patients, with women faring better than men. Married women had the best three-year survival rate (46 per cent) against 3 per cent in single men. Single women and married men had the same 25 survival rate at three years. White married patients had a better survival rate than married African-Americans. "Marital status appears to be an important independent predictor of survival in patients with locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer," said the study's lead author, Elizabeth Nichols. "The reason for this is unclear, but our findings suggest the importance of social support in managing and treating our lung cancer patients. Patients may need help with day-to-day activities, getting to treatment and making sure they receive proper follow-up care," Nichols said in a statement. "We believe that better supportive care and support mechanisms for cancer patients can have a greater impact on increasing survival than many new cancer therapy techniques," he said. Previous studies have found decreased survival for single men diagnosed with several types of cancer, including prostate and head-and-neck cancers. "We need to better understand why marriage is a factor in our patients' survival," said Dr Feigenberg, radiation oncologist at the University of Maryland Greenebaum. Lung cancer is the Number one cause of cancer death in both men and women, and this study suggests that having a spouse who can act as a caregiver may improve survival for patients with this type of cancer, the researchers said. The researchers presented their findings at the 2012 Symposium on Thoracic Oncology in Chicago. Source: Indian Express. Is regret enough reason not to ![]() have an abortion?: As if the existence of post-abortion trauma exists weren’t controversial enough, an Oxford academic argues in the Journal of Medical Ethics that it makes no difference to the morality of abortion anyway. Kate Greasley neatly summarises a common feeling among pro-life groups: “That regret follows abortion around like a bad smell is a reason not to have an abortion. It is a reason to opt for an alternative solution to an unwanted or ambivalent pregnancy, namely motherhood or adoption.” But, hang on there, she says. Psychological trauma, regret and wrongness are very different concepts. She suspects that post-abortion trauma and guilt are largely mythical, but even if they exist, they do not affect morality. “That a decision may yield regret is not enough, by itself, to suggest that it is the wrong one, and as we saw, regret over abortion decisions in particular can often be encouraged by factors not having to do with the moral justification of the decision or its effect on women’s welfare. Consequently, using the possibility or likelihood of regrets to deter women from abortion is rationally unfounded at best, and at worst, emotionally manipulative.” The JME regards Greasley’s long and detailed paper as “ an original and important contribution” which helps to clarify issues in the on-going debate over the moral permissibility of abortion which she believes “substantially depends on what moral standing is rightly accorded to the fetus”.Source: Bioedge. Mother's values tied to baby's health: The value an expectant mother places on her family can tell how healthy a baby is going to be three years later. These findings from University of Southern California (USC) suggest that one's culture is a resource that can provide tangible physical health benefits. "We know that social support has profound health ![]()
implications. Yet in this case, this is more a story of beliefs than of actual family support," said Cleopatra Abdou, assistant professor at USC Davis School of Gerontology, the journal Social Science & Medicine reports. Abdou studied 4,633 socio-economically disadvantaged women, gauging their "familism" or, more specifically, their beliefs about familial roles and responsibilities, using a questionnaire, according to an USC statement. Familism was determined by responses to statements such as, "single moms can do just as well as married parents," or "it is better for children if their parents are married." Abdou then tracked the health of their children and found that for every one point increase in familism, there was a 71 gram increase in birth weight independent of a whole host of other factors-including the gender of the infant or whether the mother was married. Average birth weight in the United States is roughly 3.4 kg. Low birth weight, typically defined as under 2.5 kg, has been linked to health problems later in life. Higher familism also predicted lower rates of asthma in the children up to three years later. Though one might expect to see healthier children from mothers who reported strong family support, familism is a cultural measure that exists outside of an individual's actual circumstances. "Cultural beliefs and ideals can be distinct from one's present reality. Familism is about beliefs and ideals within families. That's why familism is referred to as a cultural resource," Abdou said.Source: News Track India, Soon, first ever contraceptive pill for men: Scientists claim to have discovered a compound which could pave way for
![]() the first ever birth control pill for men, without affecting their sex drive. Taken daily or weekly, the pill would allow couples to share the burden of family planning. The study shows that the small molecule makes male mice reversibly infertile without putting a damper on their sex drive. "Our findings demonstrate that, when given to rodents, this compound produces a rapid and reversible decrease in sperm count and mobility with profound effects on fertility," said Dana-Farbe's James Bradner, the study senior author. Importantly, the results of early experiments suggest the effects would be temporary, with fertility quickly rebounding on stopping taking the pill. "This compound produces a rapid and reversible decrease in sperm count and motility with profound effects on fertility," said Bradner. "A male birth control pill hasn't been easy to come by in large part because of the challenge of getting any drug across the blood-testis barrier, where it can reach the sperm generating cells," scientists said. The lack of contraceptive alternatives for men is partially responsible for the high rate of unplanned pregnancies, they said. The new drug, which is known only as JQ1, disrupts a crucial stage of sperm development. It is hormone-free, and in tests on mice, it did not produce any side-effects. When mice are given the BRDT-inhibiting molecule, they begin producing fewer sperm and those sperm they do produce don't swim as well. Sperm production plummeted and what sperm were made were bad swimmers, the journal Cell reported. The animals were still interested in sex but, when the dose of the drug was right, were unable to sire any pups. However, when they were taken off the drug, their fertility quickly returned and they became father to normal-sized, healthy, litters. Also in JQ1's favour is the fact it could be given in pill-form. Most male contraceptives in development are jabs or patches. "There has not been a new reversible contraceptive for men since the development of the condom, centuries ago," said William Bremner from the University of Washington. Source: Indian Express,
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