Surrendering to the Light of Love: By: Diana Ben Avides, I must confess-
![]() the romantic department is not my area of expertise. However, true love is not about how many lovers or years of experience we have in the field…then? You might ask. Well…would you believe me if I say that true love can only be born and felt out of vulnerability? I am not referring to the vulnerability that comes with some drinks or with a crisis in life- but the vulnerability that comes with enlightenment! I have read and heard beautiful explanations, writings, and poems about what love should be- and they are all beautiful indeed. Some say that a person must love himself or herself first- before they can love anyone else. Some say that a person must give and offer in equal proportion- to what he or she receives. Others suggest that the only way to love another individual- is to be happy with your own person first. And others even suggest that the only way to attain and retain love- is to be a sexual acrobat behind closed doors. This kind of love sounds clever, cautious and fun to ordinary people…so that is exactly what they get- an ordinary kind of love. The love that comes from the vulnerability of enlightenment doesn’t have a self-regulating mechanism. It’s borne from the deepest source of our being and it doesn’t require a reason to exist. It simply is! It loves even if the other person doesn’t love it in return… and it’s not inhibited by insecurities and complexes to look like a fool. It gives without counting and it doesn’t expect anything back. It only awaits in unconditional hope! True love is not about winning- but it never feels a loser for loving this much. It doesn’t seek self gain, beauty or perfection- so it acknowledges and forgives the other person’s flaws…because at the end of the day- it realizes that vulnerability is a human factor when faced with the light of love. True love doesn’t take years to be felt- and build upon it. It only takes seconds for its seed to be planted- and even though its light might be overwhelming at first…life would never be the same! This is an extraordinary kind of love…and it only happens when we become extraordinary people by the vulnerability of enlightenment! Whether true love finds us or we find true love…surrendering to the light of love is the greatest purpose of life…Source: News-Track-India. One Secret to Leading a Happy Life: Life is a paradoxical phenomenon of ![]()
“Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else expects of you. Never excuse yourself. Never pity yourself. Be a hard master to yourself—and be lenient to everybody else.” — Henry Ward Beecher
existence; the obvious Life is a paradoxical phenomenon of existence; the obvious things that promise much often deliver little, and they distract us from the hidden things that provide real meaning. One of these paradoxes involves responsibility... At accord with our willingness to lead responsible lives resides an almost direct relationship with happy contentment. The less we expect of others, the happier we can be. The more we can see ourselves as vital actors within our lives, the more control we assume in how our lives will play out. What Responsibility Entails: When we agree with God to lead responsible lives, we agree to feel the intensities of reality—the sweeping highs and lows of life—the expanse of grace and pain—the hilarious exhilarations as well as the tumultuous desperations. Being responsible requires courage of us. But it is the only way to true contentment in a life inherently relational. God issues each and every one of us this level of control over our own lives: to be responsible. Not to be responsible for what others should be responsible for, but to be responsible for everything we do, can do, and don’t do, for everything we could have done, and for everything we should have and shouldn’t have done.The scope of responsibility, regarding our own control over our own lives, is significantly broader than we think. This involves both a positive and negative. The positive is we are much more in control than we would otherwise think. Life doesn’t control us as much as many believe. Sure the circumstances may be beyond our control, but we are the ones who respond to the circumstances. That is within our control. The negative is that we cannot escape this responsibility, for it will catch up with us if/when we choose to live irresponsibly. That is just added incentive to live responsibly. Where True Happiness Fits In: At this point we are probably asking ourselves where does happiness fit in. When we willingly lead responsible lives, especially to the extent of owning the pain of our words and behaviours, God is suddenly with us, and he blesses us for our willingness to continually repent. His generous portions of grace are poured out copiously through our responsible souls. This must be experienced to be believed. When we take to life with firm but fair expectations on ourselves, and with few expectations on others, happiness is more in reach. When we ask “What can I reasonably do in this situation?” we are better positioned to react responsibly. *** An achieved balance of responsibility sees a person able to operate with their reality. When reality can be accepted the happiness of joy is never too far away. © 2012 S. J. Wickham. Source: Article. Your body talks: Body can express your![]() thoughts and ideas to the person you are communicating without uttering a word. Here are a few signs and languages to help your body convey right messages Did you know that your body has a language? It is a very important medium of communication which constitutes to 60 per cent of what your communicating. Also known as ‘non-verbal communication’, in this type, communication happens via body postures, gestures, eye movement, facial expression, movement of hands, shrugging the shoulders, standing or sitting postures, etc. If you wish to communicate well, then it makes sense to understand how you should use your body to say what you mean. Behavioural psychologists have conducted considerable research programmes on non-verbal communication and have studied human behavioural clues that could be useful for developing a better rapport with the person one is communicating with. Unintentional human gestures such as making an eye-rub, a chin-rest, a lip-touch, a nose-itch, a head-scratch, an ear-scratch, crossing arms, and a finger-lock have been found conveying some useful information in a specific context. Experts say first impression is the best impression. So, let us practice how to give the best first impression to others by altering/improving our body language. While our parents taught us to use physical expressions like waving the hands, pointing fingers, thumbs up, touching, shaking hands, folding hands, etc, it is necessary to practice accepted international gestures also. This will help you communicate with everyone more effectively. For instance, in India most people nod their head horizontally in a slow motion to say ‘Yes’ and in a fast motion to say ‘No’. Please note that the international practice is different. They nod their head vertically to say ‘Yes’ and horizontally to say ‘No’. Well, I didn’t know it myself when I first visited America in 1985. These are the common gestures in most of the countries. There is no specific universal sign for any expression. For instance, when you show two fingers, ‘V’, it is a sign of victory, whereas in some of the African countries, it is a sign of accepting defeat. During the seminars, group discussions and in interviews, your body language is being observed by the other participants to know your real intention. Therefore, mind your language and body language too. The body language can be altered and improved on practice. (Dr BV Pattabhi Ram is a renowned personality developer who holds a PhD from Osmania University. He conducts workshops on Soft Skills / HRD; and motivates students and teachers on study skills. Contact him at, Image:, Source: The Hans India. Join the smile high club:
You may have dropped the perfect lines, flaunted the most impressive resume and prepared to forgive a friend. Yet the one thing that clinches the deal every single time is a genuine smile. No, not the socialite one that precedes the air-kiss or the menacing one like Joker’s (in The Dark Knight). For a moment, drop the façade and let the lips give you an emotional facelift. The X-Factor tells you how flashing your pearly whites, is a good way to winning hearts and keeping you healthy too. Benefits: (1) Mood: The next time you are feeling down, try putting on a smile. Even if you don’t want to grin, repeatedly doing so eventually makes you believe, there’s actually a reason to smile. Smiling can trick the body into helping you change your mood. (2) Health: When you smile, immune function improves possibly because you are more relaxed. This helps prevent flu and the common cold. When you smile, there is a measurable reduction in your blood pressure. Studies have shown that smiling releases endorphins,
![]() natural painkillers, and serotonin. Together these three make us feel good. Smiling helps to prevent us from looking tired, worn down, and overwhelmed.(3) Confidence: We don’t need an expert to validate this, though we do need to be reminded from time to time — we are always drawn to people who smile. Job seekers give the air of confidence when they project the right smile while date hunters often fall hook, line and sinker for a prospective partner, just because of a smile. It’s also infectious. You smile at someone and they are mostly like going to smile right back.Youth recall: The muscles we use to smile lift the face, making a person appear younger. Try smiling your way through the day — you’ll look younger and feel better. (1) Eyes: Resistance exercises can reduce crow’s feet, the lines near the outer corner of the eyes. When the skin around the eyes is more toned and firm, existing lines become less prominent and the skin is less prone to developing new lines. Try smiling into a mirror, placing your index fingers near the outer corner of your eyes, and pressing gently upward, to lift the cheek. Hold for six seconds, then release. (2) Mouth: Pucker up and smile to tone the area around the lips and lower cheeks, recommends By reducing smile lines around the mouth, you may be more inclined to share your pearly whites. Purse the lips as dramatically as possible, pulling ![]() ![]()
Different color gives out different wavelength of light, and stimulates different association and reaction by human brain when seen by human eyes. Hence, colors have directly various affect on human sentiment.Green : it is a steady, comfortable color, and benefits calming nervous system, reducing intraocular pressure, removing eyestrain and improving kinetism. Natural green also has a certain effect on smoothing syncope, fatigue, nausea and negative emotions. But staying in the green for a long time may cause loneliness and gastric secretion to lose appetite. Blue : Blue is both thoughtful and serious; can regulate the nerve system and tranquilize the mind. Blue lamplight plays a significant role in cure for insomnia, lowering blood pressure and prevention of colds. It may ease car- or seasickness to wear blue glasses
for some people. But blue may also aggravate psychasthenia and melancholia, Yellow : It is first seen when we are born, representing health. It is healthy and bright for it is the easiest to be absorbed in the light spectrum. It helps healthy people control stress, enhance appetite but worsen depressed and pessimistic emotions, Orange : it helps produce energy and induce appetite; represents warm colors and health. It also has a meaning of maturity and happiness. White : it reflects, giving out a sense of cleanness & expansion. Staying in a small, white environment heps calm fractious people to keep blood pressure but does no good for autism and melancholia patients.Pink : it is the best interpretation for gentleness. It calms people by reducing the production of adrenal hormone. Pink is good for lonely and depressive people. Red
: it stimulates passion and excitement. Staring in red affects vision and cause vertigo. CCVD patients are generally prohibited to be in red. Black : it helps clear heat, calm stress and quiet and does good to remit peace for excited, whiny, insomnic and panic patients. Gray : it is very easy-going and suits any color. It can be used to reconcile improper color matching. It is friendly to human health. These are descriptions on Color Psychology by experts. Every color has its contrary sides. Every man has his color which shows his characteristics. However, no one has purely only one color for human psychology is indefinable. Image Flickr: Link1, Link2, Link3, Source: Base Articles. Perk Up Your Life- Stay Healthy, Live Longer:
To set up for success, and to lead a happy and longer life we need to boost up our energy levels, stabilize our moods and keep ourselves as healthy as possible. All this can be achieved by learning some basics and using them in a way that works for us. Let's learn more about this: (1) Early to bed, Early to Rise! Studies explain that those who sleep on time stay active all day long. Also, it organizes their meals on time and cuts off the extra calories that people consume when they stay up late! This in return helps them fight weight gains. It is also essential to get an adequate sleep at night! A sound sleep is crucial to proper brain function. Any amount of sleep deprivation will diminish mental performance & alertness. (2) Start your day with a cup of coffee! Consuming two cups of coffee daily have shown to reduced chances of becoming depressed, as well as studies indicate its role in cutting off risk of strokes, some cancers of that of prostrate and melanoma.(3) Check your diet! Develop healthy eating habits. Eat plenty of high-fiber foods such as fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains. Fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables are the foundation of a healthy diet as these are low in calories & rich in nutrients and fibre. Such a diet helps protect us against certain types of cancer and many other diseases. (4) Include Proteins in your diet! A diet rich in proteins makes us feel well-nourished and curbs the desire to munch on junk foods between meals. Eggs & dairy, nuts, seeds, beans, etc. are good sources of proteins. (5) Maintain potassium balance in the body! Potassium monitors blood pressure levels and reduces the chances of strokes. One can derive dietary potassium from foods such as bananas, avocados, raisins, apricots, fish, spinach, milk, yogurt, potatoes with the skin, nuts and seeds. (6) Maintain an adequate calcium intake! Calcium is essential for healthy bones & teeth. Get your calcium from low-fat
Eat Fresh Fruits & Green Vegetables!
sources, such as skimmed milk, low-fat yogurt, etc. If you can’t get the optimal amount from your diet, go for calcium supplements. (7) Don't spend much of your day sitting down! Take standing breaks throughout the day, even if it’s as short as for a minute. Evidences prove that people who try this have lower cholesterol, ideal weight, normalblood sugar levels, controlled blood pressure levels, and fewer chances of cancers. Also, those who follow any form of exercise (even a 30 min. brisk walk, or yogic exercises) for at least five days/week have less chances of encountering diseases that of strokes, blood sugar, blood pressure and of that of various types of cancers. (8) Drink lots of water! Drinking about 3 to 4 litres of water everyday keeps our body hydrated, improves digestion and bowel movements, and fights weight gain. As water has no calories, it controls hunger and helps maintain anideal weight gain! (9) Avoid alcohol & tobacco consumption! Excess alcohol consumption leads to a variety of health problems. Also, alcoholic beverages only add calories to your diet without supplying the nutrients. Smoking is injurious to health as its association is well established with various respiratory diseases and oral cancers. (10) Cope up with stress! Dealing with stress is important as this culprit can hamper not only the work performance, but also affects us physically, mentally as well as socially. Remember, there is always more than one solution to a problem and we should be flexible enough to accept alternatives. A well-nourished & fit body can be more resilient to stressful conditions. Hence, a planned & nutritious diet can act as an effective stress-fighting tool. Source: Article. Image, Spirituality with Materialistic![]()
Life: Spirituality is an unconditional subject which always believes in giving towards every particle of the universe being as a materialistic one its very important for us to give something to our self when we will be feeling that we are fed properly and able to understand the meaning of giving then we can be unconditional for others. Spirituality is having a very different sense of living which always believes in giving without taking
anything always mind you that firstly you have to be unconditional for your self. Any body can start his spiritual vision by nourishing nature, loving animals and making atmosphere pollution free because here you can find pure unconditionality. Always
remember about your wise full work of doing and living is being commended enough to justify your clarity before remembering the god because he is inside you. In the context of human mass we can be unconditional to make the feel of pure subjection but we need to be wise enough to justify that our unconditionality is being utilized in
an inexcusable process then change the route of giving. Materialistic life is a give and take process of living when giving is being processed then certain things will be back again means balance between give and take is needed, slowly when giving will start to
add supreme generation then you can find a “human of vision”.Every action has a reaction because energy is the source of generation which runs the whole universe, never dies, moves one shape to another but shapes always have its limitations
to acclaim the objectives of living.Spirituality is a vision to gain a shape of justification as well energy inclusion. Images: Life's a beach for Prince Harry: When a royal presence was needed at the women's beach volleyball finals,
![]() there was only one man for the job: step forward, Prince Harry. The party-loving 27-year-old is no stranger to Horse Guards Parade, where his grandmother Queen Elizabeth II's birthday is celebrated annually with a military pageant. But there were no scarlet tunics in sight this time – just plenty of tanned thighs, toned muscles and tight-fitting bikinis. Which scenario the army attack helicopter pilot prefers he has not let on. However, he certainly seemed in his element in the rocking 15,000-seater temporary Olympic venue, with its thumping dance music yesterday. Harry snuck in part-way through the first set of the bronze medal match, where Larissa Franca and Juliana Silva of Brazil beat China's Xue Chen and Zhang Xi of China by two sets to one. The prince, third in line to the throne, was there in his role as an ambassador for the Great Britain team. "If I knew that, I would have won the game," Zhang said His appearance got the Brazilian seal of approval. "I have to give a kiss to him, he is so nice! Today he has brought luck for us!," Juliana said Larissa added: "I didn't know he was here or I would have celebrated more! It's great that he's here and it's good to know that our sport is getting recognised." Dressed casually in a Team GB polo neck t-shirt with his shades in his hand, he sat next to British double gold medal-winning track cyclists Laura Trott and Jason Kenny. Former England football captain David Beckham also joined the party, and was quickly posing for pictures with fans. The atmosphere was pumping, with people on their feet dancing in the rows to the pounding beats and Mexican waves rolling round the stands. "The more noise the better! This isn't Wimbledon, darlings!" hollered the announcer. Harry was treated to several vibrant routines by the Horse Guards Parade Dance Crew, featuring 11 women in flowery bikinis, who saluted the stand he was in. Harry's fellow troops, on security duty, got their cameras out to fire off a few photos -- but this time of the prince rather than the athletes on the sand. And there was yet more star power for the all-US gold medal match, where Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh Jennings beat Jennifer Kessy and April Ross in straight sets to claim their third consecutive beach volleyball Olympic title. Horse Guards Parade is one of the most spectacular locations of the London 2012 Games, situated in the heart of British political power. Harry's Clarence House home is a five-minute walk away. Source: "Criticism Vs Realism" a Superlative Composition: Criticism, realism both look like similar but criticism is the source of decimate always force to compromise with ruthless subjection, being with ![]()
propagation of censure which tries to bound others to acclaim an objective of determination although it's a medium of value declination on the other hand realism is neither positive nor negative it's a freedom always present an approach for superlative resolution.Without realism there is no significance of positivism and negativism because any thing is optimistic for you might be obstructive for others if your positivism and pessimism are being with Sincerity (Good Values, Improvements, Humanism, Love towards "family, people, nature, environment protection, country, world etc.) then you can find a spring of liberty, just take a new look when you are dealing with real life situation and see the power of realism which comes bit latter but with an astonish success. Realism is the source of worth creation to establish the most valuable way out of any situation it's an instrument to eradicate every hurdle, provides power full solutions for progression. Race of superlative ego always collapses the valuable learning process, blind with duplicity of self esteem conducts crimes and stop others to face by saying you are negative so please keep quite it's a complete nonsense to determine any actuality. Dare with real facts to oppose any unfair entity is the strongest point of view of realism, always provides absolute routes of development. Realism is neither positivism nor negativism it's a liberty. Great Ways to Start Your Day: March 26, 2013, By: Dr Garima Sancheti, The way you spend
your morning can add a certain flavor to the rest of your day. Here are some healthy
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of any entity which indicates the most effective solutions to manage the organizational functions [with respect to internal factors (man, money, machine, material) and external factors (population, age, geographical, religion, marketing mix of competitors etc.)] one by one or assortment of all as unit goal by a well-planned (time, ethical & money bound) strategy With the vision of Spontaneous decision making to reduce the weakness and increase the productivity as per obtainable facts of thread’s and opportunities. Reporting is the tool of administration, indicates about the current situation means where we are? What are our strengths, weakness, opportunities and hurdles with a complete data analysis to justify or unjustified the strategy for the each individual / division or as whole to achieve the organizational goal in time. Calculative selection of work in the course of SWOT investigation plays a vital role to gain utmost success with least time and make personality from zero to uncountable unit (Achievements). Now one can calculate the wings of the successful personalities or any body and their entities by analyzing their calculative administration capabilities on the subject of their strengths, weakness and selections of their jobs. Why do we remember Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Albert Einstein, Indira Gandhi, Bill gates and lacs of one those are the symbol of succession because they were devoted towards their vision here we can conclude that Abraham Lincoln cant be Mother Teresa or Mahatma Gandhi cant be Albert Einstein because they are as unique as you are? What do you need a vision? Source: Image: The real Scot of the Antartic: When Anne Kershaw was a
schoolgirl, the young Scot's travel dreams amounted to one day visiting London. These days, her idea of heading south is much more dramatic. For the past 20 years, Anne's working life has revolved around the South Pole, first as the owner of the world's only commercial airline flying to Antarctica and now as the boss of an environmental group fighting to save the ice-covered continent that she loves. She first visited the icy wilderness in 1985 with her adventurer pilot husband Giles, who operated flights and ski trips to the South Pole. But when he died in an accident, the Glaswegian took over his business and turned the firm into a respected airline, flying people like Sir Ranulph Fiennes and Michael Palin to the tundra from an airfield base in Chile. Then, after becoming the only person in history to win an MBE for services to Antarctic aviation, Anne sold the business in 2002 and set herself a new, daunting mission - to save the South Pole. As chief executive of campaign group 2041 - named for the date when the ban on Antarctic mining expires - Anne leads a team of adventurers and environmentalists trying to encourage young people to start taking action to save the planet ahead of the crucial deadline. Anne said: "There really is nowhere in the world like Antarctica, it's the most special and unique place I have ever seen. "For me, a lot of my heart is there. My first husband is buried there and I have worked there for so many years that Antarctica is a part of me as well now. "And it's important to me, and to the entire planet, because it is the last wilderness, it's spiritual, hostile and unknown and it's Mother Nature at her finest. "While 2041 might seem like a long way away, it'll be here in an instant and the issues we are fighting for are the issues that will affect my kids, your kids and the entire planet between now and then." The 50-year-old jetset Scot's Polar adventure started, suitably enough, on an aeroplane almost 30 years ago. As a stewardess, she met the dashing Cathay Pacific pilot Giles Kershaw and they married soon after. She went to Antarctica for the first time in 1985. Giles started the airline, Adventure Network International, to ferry thrill-seeking pals from Chile to the Antarctic to enjoy amazing unspoilt skiing and trekking. However, his love of adventure led to tragedy when he died just a couple of years later in an gyrocopter accident near the area now known as Mount Kershaw in Antarctica. Although her initial reaction was to leave the South Pole, she decided to stay. She spent a decade making Adventure Network safe and reliable so no other adventurers' wives would become widows on her watch. It worked. Anne's crew helped out friend Sir Ranulph when one of his jaunts went wrong and Palin completed his Pole to Pole mission via her trusty old aircraft. Setting up a base for the firm in Florida, Anne married snowboarding adventurer Doug Stoop and they had a son, Tyree, now nine, and adopted Than, also nine, from Thailand. The business became so successful that after winning her prized MBE, she sold the company eight years ago with plans to enjoy the northern hemisphere for a while. That break lasted just a few months when polar explorer turned eco-campaigner Rob Swan asked her to help with his environmental work. In 2005, she signed up as CEO of 2041, based in California, with the mission of educating and inspiring young people to tackle the green challenges the world faces, ahead of the drilling ban expiry in 30 years. Campaigners fear the white wilderness could be ravaged by energy-hungry corporations, drilling for natural resources which may be scarce by then. The date is a hook for people to start thinking about their local environment and the group use their passion for Antarctica to encourage activists to be equally protective of their local eco-system, water supplies and energy efficiency issues, whether that is in China, New York or Glasgow. Anne said: "I'd met Rob Swan in 1985 on my first visit to Antarctica, and knew him well through Giles, and he has been speaking about the environment and the Antarctic ever since that journey because people would listen to him. "He has always been a great entrepreneur for the environment but was a bit hopeless at the funding and business side of it, so when I was enjoying my retired bliss after selling Adventure Network, he asked me to come in and help get him set up as a company in the US. "Six years later, I'm still working there and love every minute of it. I enjoy hard work, I hate waste and I love the Antarctic, so it's perfect. "Between the two of us we have 50 years of experience with Antarctica, and the idea is to get young people involved and create ambassadors for the environment all over the world. "Rob travels the globe promoting the message and speaking to people while we also run major expeditions every year to get people talking. "We are back from a rewarding expedition where we were talking to a wide range of companies and agencies about renewable energy and how to best solve the problems we are facing. Fight "It was fantastic to be a part of that. People do care with and in this job, you can see things happening in front of your eyes." Anne said that helping to save the planet for her kids and to fight for Antarctica is the most rewarding work she has ever done in her life. It's not quite bumpy landings on a frozen tundra or rescuing explorers from the southernmost tip of the Earth but Anne's mission these days is to ensure others get to enjoy those adventures long after she is gone. She said: "I loved Adventure Network but it was a family of people trying to achieve their own goals. They were incredible people who humbled me, but with 2041, we are out to achieve goals for other people and it is all driven by something that is a lot more rewarding. "Antarctica is like an old friend. When I went back, I felt exactly the same as I ever had before. "Some of my greatest, happiest and saddest memories are in Antarctica. It's very special and this is my time to give something back." Source: Daily Record
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